Thursday, July 23, 2009

Maitreya and the Disciples of Wisdom (The Watchers).

Hello again fellow believers or non-believers...

I am going to open this post with a letter I wrote to a dear friend who is in prison. He got involved with the New Age group and they quickly took him from 13 years of sobriety/not smoking, a healthy family, and an excellent job to drunkenness/smoking, divorce, and into prison for embezzlement. His new "New Spirituality" advisor told him that his soul was one with god and therefore he need not fear judgement...that his life was pre-ordained and without sin. He had read most of the books written by new age authors, had several personal life-readings, visited with shodowing spirits (Watchers), bought a Taro deck of cards, and much more. Since he has been in prison, he has sobered up, quit smoking, and is, once again, on the path to Jesus Christ. He has managed to overcome and rid himself of the demon that possessed him for several years. I could only watch as my best friend went from a true believer to a truly lost soul as the overpowering strength of his new spiritual friend destroyed his marriage and life. I thought to myself, "If this can happen to Gary, one of the strongest Christians I have ever known, it can happen to anyone!" What is this power? Who are these spirits?

Before I copy the letter into this post, I will tell you a bit of what Jesus has had me reading about lately. He (Jesus) sent me to a site run by Thomas Horn called "APOLLYON RISING 2012: The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed. A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here." There are 15 posts so far in this series and I was amazed to find many of the same players mentioned here (such as Maitreya and Disciples of Wisdom in Part Fourteen) as I have been reading about in Warren Smith's books. It was amazing because Tom Horn's writings are basically about the history of Freemasonry, Greek Mythology, and the Roman Empire. To find spirits from both ages with the same name is beyond coincidence...don't you think? Well, here is my letter to Gary...

I am about done with Warren Smith’s newest book, A “Wonderful” Deception: The Further New Age Implications of the Purpose Driven Movement. It seems that Rick Warren got so many emails and letters from parishioners around the world that he had to hire two “damage control” people to deal with the dissension. The first one did not do too good a job…he mostly just dodged the real problems and associations by trying to shift the blame. The second one, although more aggressive, did not do a much better job. He too had a very difficult time explaining away Rick Warren’s multiple uses of “New Age” terminology along with his extensive associations with “New Age” authors of all sorts. The first few chapters of Smith’s new book were totally dedicated to reproving, with fervor, what he had already proved. I also read the pdf file, which is free online, of Warren Smith’s called Reinventing Jesus Christ, which was the “who’s who” of New Age terminology, books, and other literature.

My new blog, For Heaven’s Sake, is dedicated to fighting the good fight against our adversary, Satan. I am now reading a 15 article blog by Tom Horn called Apollyon Rising 2012. It is dedicated to his forthcoming book of the same title and entails a history of the ancient gods of Greeks and Romans, Freemasons (such as Roosevelt, Franklin, Wallace), and the ideology found on the dollar bill (the pyramid, all-seeing eye, Latin literature, etc.). This new direction the Lord has taken me in is vastly interesting and I am finding common ties to what is happening in the New Spirituality (New Age) Movement today. Such things as “The Watchers” who are Maitreya’s helpers and who were prominent in Greek idol worship. It also has a great deal to do with the fact that there might have been what some have termed “Adomic” intellect that has been forgotten and diluted over the centuries since Adam and Eve and the Fall. It seems Adam may have had a knowledge of the stars that recorded the history of God, Creation, man’s creation, earth’s creation, the angels, and the Universe. In other words, the stars may actually hold the true and first recorded history of Creation (or the first bible). This star-intellect was forgotten with all the other godly knowledge that Adam and Eve had but lost when they chose to be gods themselves (The Fall). God then forbade astrology, since it was no longer blessed by His intellect, and the knowledge became diluted. Now, astrology, as a link or modem to life, death, the past and the future, is to be forsaken and shunned because it is not of godly content and can never be until God himself reveals the true tale. This is important because the fallen angels are the ones that are found throughout Greek and Roman history and may well have had their true pasts diluted in the same manner as the star-intellect. Apollo (Apollyon), or the sun god, may well be the number one angel under Satan who is Saturn in Greek mythology. Do you see where this is headed?

All these old mythological gods are the thousands of angels that followed Satan to earth. The Greeks had gods for everything from earth, wind, and fire to disease, health, and marriage. They had a freakin’ god for everything they did. It may well be that these gods/angels came to earth after/before(?) the fall and explained away their appearance as being truly good and beneficial gods…not fallen gods following Satan (I always wondered why the gods messed with Homer’s characters so much…now it makes sense). These are the same gods the Greeks called “The Watchers” because they watched over all matters of life concerning man (inherent evil?). Now, Maitreya says he is bringing back “The Watchers” or, as they have also been called, “The Disciples of Wisdom”. They are already channeling through people worldwide. So, are we headed into a new Roman revival…YES…only now it is called “America’s New Spirituality” whereas it was then called Rome or Babylon under the rule of Nimrod…the most decadent of all historical times when evil ruled the world. Only, this time Jesus will end Satan’s short rule by His return. Satan will move fast during this revival because he knows his reign is limited to a very short time. I look for world peace to happen soon…how?...I don’t know for sure. Will Warren do it? Will Obama do it? It’s not important who gets the credit for the beginning to the end…there won’t be enough history afterwards to make a difference one way or the other.

If I have enough money to order Smith’s new book for you this next week, I surely will. In the meantime, be careful what you read. The written word is God’s tool of conveyance to us mortels and is extremely volatile. It can do as much damage as it can good. Joyce Meyer is not an author I would encourage anyone to read. She is more new ager than anything close to our Christ. Her “feel good” Christianity is just the steppingstone to the dilution needed to weaken our armor. Remember your bible Gary…”a little leaven leaveneth the whole loaf.”

Until next time my good friend…

Tom Horn's posts are impelling proof that these very same "Spiritual Guides" that are now organizing, enhancing, and directing the "New Spirituality Movement" are the very same fallen angels that destroyed the great Roman Empire. They were also the ones responsible for the evil that brought God's wrath to Nimrod (great grandson of Noah) and his empire of Babylon. They have been around forever and they seem to cycle reigns of terror. I fear we are headed into a "New Age" of people who are being led by these very same evil angels that have ruled Earth since the beginning of history and the new fall will be "Babylon The Great is Falling" (or America) as Jack Hook explains on his website so thoroughly (a must read!).

I will leave you here while I do some more reading and exploring of all these new posts. As I have said before, I would not be doing this at all if it were not for the leading hands of Jesus. He leads me to read what is important and necessary for discerning Christian to know. I never proof read my posts as Jesus leads me to write as I work and His work is impeccable! Often, I will pause during a sentence and the words just seem to suddenly come upon me. This whole post came to me last night before falling asleep and is virtually, word for word, what I visualized last night. My mission from Jesus? To enlighten people...all to the workings of our Adversary...Satan. To keep folks informed as to his movements and his intentions for the souls of as many people as he can fool. Satan is extremely wise (being an angel of highest rank) and extremely evil. He has thousands of angels in his ranks and they are called such names as; Maitreya, The Watchers, The Disciples of Wisdom, Legion, Greek/Roman gods, helpers, channelers, shadowers, and the Antichrist (may be here already in Maitreya). They have to be invited into your life to have any power over you (however, they can have power over other people that have power over government people!) and are much, much harder to get rid of than to allow in. They fool us now in the very same way they fooled Adam and saying we can be gods.

Be warned...they are after your soul...your very life...and they will not quit or give up. Satan's plans are for the fall of mankind in its entirety and, whether you like it or not, you are part of that plan. So, whose side are you playing on?

Until next time...God's love and good health to you my friends.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Maitreya and other "Players" in New Age Religion.

These things have I spoken unto you,
that ye should not be offended. They
shall put you out of the synagogues: yea,
the time cometh, that whosoever killeth
you will think that he doeth God service.
And these things will they do unto
you, because they have not known the
Father, nor me. But these things have I
told you, that when the time shall come,
ye may remember that I told you of
(John 16:1–4)

I am come in my Father’s name, and ye
receive me not: if another shall come in his
own name, him ye will receive.

(John 5:43)

There is come upon the earth a self-proclaimed Christ figure called Maitreya. He flew down from the mountains so as to fulfil the prophecy of appearing in the heavens. In February of 1982, Wayne Peterson was watching Merv Griffin on television when Merv introduced a new book and its author, The Reappearance of the Christ and The Masters of Wisdom, by Benjamin Creme. This is a paraphrase of Creme speaking to Griffin:

During this discussion, Creme said that
the one Christians call the Christ had re-
appeared and was living in a major industrial
city in the Western world. This
time his name was Maitreya and he was
bringing with him a large group of his
disciples, highly advanced, spiritual
men called the Masters of Wisdom. He
said we could expect to hear more about
Maitreya on local and international
news programs very soon.
Maitreya’s purpose, Creme indicated,
was to help us realize our innate divinity
through learning to live in right relationship
as brothers and sisters of one
great family. The first step was to establish
sharing as the way to eliminate the
poverty and starvation that caused millions
around the world to die daily in
the midst of plenty. Maitreya was
emerging in time to help us save ourselves
and the planet, and would make
himself known to all in a televised ‘Day
of Declaration’ soon to come.

He ordered Creme's book, read it, and came to believe that his "Masters of Wisdom" were what we commonly call angels and that they were here to herald the coming of their Christ...Maitreya. He also claimed that as a child he had been visited by Mary, the mother of Jesus, who, during a time of grave illness, said to him in a dream, " I am going to tell you a secret that few now know. If you stay with your family, you will see the Christ because he will come to live with the people of the world." Now, with the appearance of Maitreya, Peterson began to believe this dream to be prophecy.

As I read Creme’s book, I learned more
about the Christ, or World Teacher,
whose personal name is Maitreya. He
is the one awaited by all the major religions
albeit unknown to them. The
Christians wait for the return of the
Christ, Buddhists for the next Buddha,
Muslims for the Imam Mahdi, Hindus
for a reincarnation of Krishna, and the
Jews for the Messiah. These are all different
names for one individual,
Maitreya, who is here not as a religious
leader but as a teacher for all humanity.

Benjamin Creme, in The Reappearance
of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, said:
In the esoteric tradition, the Christ is not
the name of an individual but of an Office
in the Hierarchy. The present holder
of that Office, the Lord Maitreya, has
held it for 2,600 years, and manifested
in Palestine through His Disciple, Jesus,
by the occult method of overshadowing,
the most frequent form used for the
manifestation of Avatars. He has never
left the world, but for 2,000 years has
waited and planned for this immediate
future time, training His Disciples, and
preparing Himself for the awesome task
which awaits Him. He has made it
known that this time, He Himself will

Soon after reading about Maitreya, Peterson was given the opportunity to meet with Benjamin Creme and Maitreya in person in Washington, D.C.. During this visit, Peterson was invited to join a "Transmission Meditation" that he describes as:

Called Transmission Meditation, it was
a service activity in which energy from
the Masters was ‘stepped down’ by the
meditators and made available to the
world. In the process the meditators’
own spiritual development was enhanced
manifold. I understood that it
was another way to help Maitreya and
the Masters emerge as soon as possible.

If this has peaked your interest, you should definitely read Warren Smith's book, "Reinventing Jesus Christ." You can access the pdf file by clicking on the title to this article. Most of what I have written comes directly from his text in chapter 4 titled, "Wayne Peterson and Maitreya." The chapter goes on to tell how Maitreya and his Masters of Wisdom have channeled their powers through such leaders as Mikhail Gorbachev and many of our nations most prestigious senators and congressmen. He explains how just being in the presence of Maitreya one can feel his spiritual energy surging into your body. To me, this makes perfect sense. If indeed Maitreya is the Antichrist of biblical prophecy, he would have extremely strong spiritual powers...after all, he is a demon of the highest order. Not only good angels have masterful spiritual powers. The fallen angels of Satan also have these Peterson goes on to explain:

As we stood there with spiritual energy
flowing freely, I told Maitreya that, if
people could experience this energy,
they would discard all their earthly notions
of ‘paradise'.
Gradually over
time he was able to meet others in positions
of responsibility who had met privately
with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom
and were now actively working with them.

What I did not initially know was that
many of my colleagues in government
and diplomatic circles had had similar
experiences and had also been contacted
by members of a group of extraordinary
beings, who might be called the elder
brothers of humanity, custodians of the
Divine Plan for our evolution. World
leaders who are household names have
privately confirmed their knowledge of
and cooperation with this unfolding

This "unfolding plan" that Peterson speaks of is the same plan that Jesus Christ warned us about in the Bible. Time and time again, Jesus spoke of our adversary and how he would come 'as a thief in the night' and that we must be constantly on the defense against false prophets. However, our churches seem to be more concerned about "Revival" and "New Spirituality" and a renewed interest by the public in a new form of religion. Our church leaders have been lulled into a false sense of security by larger and larger numbers of people coming to hear the gospel and "The Good News". The problem is that "The Good News" is not gospel. It is not even close to the spoken Word of God found in biblical Scripture.

As you will find out if you continue to read my articles, Maitreya and his following are not about Jesus Christ whatsoever. As a matter of fact, Maitreya claims that "...Christ is not a person, it is an office...a position held by the man called Jesus whom I shadowed during his lifetime." He claims to be the true Christ. Sound outlandish? Even scary? Well, grab your shirttails because he has millions of followers...many of which are very influential and famous including...are you ready for this...Oprah Winfrey.

Some of the other players and their books are: Alice A. Bailey, "The Reappearance of the Christ" and other books; Benjamin Creme, "The Reappearance of the Christ and The Masters Of Wisdom" and other books; Wayne W. Dyer, "There's a Spiritual Solotion to Every Problem"; Barbara Marx Hubbard author of many books; Neale Donald Walsch, "Conversations With God: an uncommon dialogue, books I, II, III"; Gerald Jampolsky, "Love is Letting Go of Fear"; and, of course, Wayne Peterson, "Extroardinary Times, Extroadinary Beings: Experiences of an American Diplomat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom." Many of these authors and their books have been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey on her show. If you watch Oprah, you are undoubtedly familiar with their names. However, you may not be familiar with their agenda.

In the weeks to come, I will try to introduce each one of these players individually and allow you to see their true colors. They all have the same bring about "Oneness" of all people on earth, to engage "Atonement" , which is really pronounced "at-one-ment", to bring about world peace (a pre-cursor to Revelations), and to make us understand that we all have God in us and therefore are all gods (Oneness and at-one-ment concept) and have no need of redemption of sin. What a wonderful sin, no guilt, no need to change...all we have to do is admit our "Oneness" with God and all is good. The perfect solution to a "hurry-up" world's understanding of Christianity. An "easy to do", "in and out quickly", "one stop" cure to sin. And, after all, if Oprah endorses it (and she does), how could it possibly be wrong?

What would you say if a person came before you and you immediately felt his supernatural spirituality surge through you and he said he could cure cancer and other diseases (of course Satan can cure these because he made them and, as I will show you later, he is already doing this in hospitals today), could bring about world peace (he creates the atmosphere for war and quit at any time), and could absolve you of all culpability of past iniquities if you simply admit you are at one with him and God? Would you follow such a person? Would you call him Christ?

I will leave you with this by Warren Smith as he sums up what is happening in our world today, quite clearly, in his book, "Reinventing Jesus Christ":

And the Lord is saying the same thing
now to those in the Church who refuse to
see what is going on in the world today.
God is not in the process of giving the
Church “new revelation” that will supercede
what He has already given us in His
holy Word. He is not in the process of bringing
a “new thing” into the Church. He is
not in the process of taking His Church to a
“new place” or to a “new dimension” or to
a “new level.” He is not in the process of
bringing in a “new dispensation.” And He
most certainly is not in the process of introducing
a “new gospel” that contradicts in
word and spirit everything He has ever
taught us about our life in Christ. No, these
are the plans of antichrist, and the Church
had better beware.